Sunday, June 17, 2012

Flipped Classroom Revisited

Back a ways, I said I was going to try this think called the Flipped Classroom. I got everything all plotted out and started recording and, presto, complete and utter failure. It left a bad taste in my mouth about the whole process and I ended up whimpering back to traditional teaching approaches.

Well, I'm back. I floated around Pinterest for a while (I'm sure NONE of you know what Pinterest is) and came across this one:

There's a really great graphic on it that just isn't loading onto my page so you will have to check it out.

So here we go again. I'm going to have a think about how I can make this work for my kids and then make another attempt. If you hear any whimpering, you can probably guess how it went...


  1. I've been thinking a lot about this since you posted awhile back. I would love to look more into it on summer break (5 days to go!!!). Thanks for the link and I would love to read more about what you learn/try!

  2. Thanks for coming by and Tims! I'm not sure I could make it.
    I'm a new follower and will be back soon
    Thinking of Teaching


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